Watchman Nee is quoted in saying:
In Christ everything individualistic is ruled out. If we want to know the body life, we need deliverance not only from our sinful life and our natural life, but also from our individualist life. All individual life must go because nothing that is individualistic can reach God’s goal.
Can someone explain to me the purpose for this quote? Does anyone actually believe this absurd garbage? Am I missing something? And Where in the scriptures does it say we ought to know the ‘body life’? Everything I read in the scriptures is a road map to know the LORD!
Even the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Who are ONE are different from One another. As biblical proof, Who shed His Precious Blood so that we could enter into the Presence of God, the Holy of Holies. Who was crucified on the cross, died and resurrected? Was it the Father? Was it the Holy Spirit?
Nope it was the Son, the WORD Who was in the Beginning. He was with God and He was/is GOD. He became flesh and dwelt among us. HE was given a Name, a Name above all names. We all know His Name: Jesus Christ. It is written that every knee will bow and every tongue confess JESUS CHRIST is King of kings and LORD of lords.
With all due reverential respect to the Father and the Holy Spirit, the scriptures do say it is Jesus, the resurrected Savior to Whom every knee will bow and every tongue confess, not the Father, not the Holy Spirit ALTHOUGH in bowing our knees and confessing Jesus is KING and LORD, we are acknowledging the Father and the Holy Spirit too, for all Three are ONE.
All this which is no new revelation to any of us, or even if it is, totally deflects Nee’s mystical, irrational, obscure idealism bordering on thought Totalitarianism and cult oneness at best.
Née wants to sound so profound in his “deep” but false theory. It’s a proven failure! There is nothing biblical about his statements.
But I can now understand why back in the 70s, the men wore black skinny ties, white shirts, black pants. Occasionally some in their twenties wore jeans. But not often. Most of the women wore frumpy clothes. Everyone dressed alike. We tried to sound the same in meetings. Subconsciously we were trying to shed our individualistic lives, a la Nee’s goal. (Not God’s goal!)
I suppose the mostly pathetic outward appearance was trying to making a statement that we were not conforming to this world. YET our stinking thinking is what needed renewing!! Still does. (btw, since I am pretty much a homebody, I am no Glammy myself!

In any case, God created us to look different from each other, with different personalities. But His ultimate goal is for us to be Glorified that we would be one with Him, that we would be the Bride of Christ.
P.S. I appreciate the scripture postings on the menu side. Good meditation food!