Originally Posted by aron
The "him" in Psalm 8 is Jesus Christ. "These things were written concerning me" - Luke 24:27;44. He is the Sinless One. We are the believers into his status as Obedient Lamb of God. But if we put the focus on ourselves or our faith, we're near to error if not already in it. He's errorless, we are error-prone. Why gaze on ourselves?
I don't think so . . . at least not exactly. What Christ says in Luke 24 cannot be construed as about Him to the exclusion of mankind. If you read this Psalm it talks about God making the heavens then considers man. Christ came as a man, showing that man was not some lowly afterthought, but something grand in God's design. Christ came to bring man back to our rightful position . . . sons of the Most High --> not God, but sons of God.