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Old 02-14-2021, 05:52 PM   #339
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: What is God's Economy?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Thanks. This was all discussed before. May the Lord open my eyes if there is something here.

But just to be clear, I may be unduly discounting the disobedience aspect . . . however, don't discount that God used a fruit-bearing tree. That is, something to be eaten. Lots of talk about eating that is emphasized in the Bible, right? So why is that?
You are going to get an echo into silence of a response because the Bible never makes an issue of the fruit of the tree itself. It's not there. Jesus said his food is to do the will of the Father. So even if you try to point to fruit or food.....Jesus just keeps on pointing straight on to obedience instead.

Sons to Glory, did you read the chapters I mentioned in my previous post where I implored you to do so and answer the two simple questions before saying anything more about the topic? Why are you avoiding everything I and others are saying and yet turning around and praying for your eyes to be opened "if" there is something here?

You are praying for your eyes to be opened while your Bible is closed. What's going on here?

I'm actually being genuine in my concern. It has been very, very strange to repeatedly encounter a straight refusal to comprehend plain words, plain language, plain inference, plain implication by a professing truth-seeking Christian.

Is this too uncomfortable of a mental shift for you?

If so, I'm sympathetic to that discomfort, but in this particular case, there's nothing to lose by it. The truth of what the word says with this story doesn't condemn you, doesn't blame you, doesn't mean you've committed an unforgiveable sin. It's just means sin in general is a bigger deal than Lee ever taught it was. But you know that already. So what's going on?
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