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Old 02-10-2021, 05:51 AM   #317
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: What is the Lord's economy?

Well, are we treating the TOTKOG&E as if it was a completely good thing? I hope not! There was a reason God told them not to eat of it, that is, it wasn't just some sort of test to see if they would obey or fail. God said in eating of it they would die. There was something He wanted them not to eat and this was pointed out clearly to them. And the enemy knew it would cause problems, so he wanted them to eat it.

Also, it was food --> that is, it gets into a person. It is one of the many things man can eat and take into his being which becomes part of him. Food is all over the Bible: eat the lamb; Jesus is the bread of life, the living water, "If you don't drink My blood & eat My flesh, you have no life in you," etc. So why food? It shows it is something man takes in that becomes part of his make-up, just like physical food is assimilated into, and becomes part of, our bodies.

So I get that there's an aspect of the shear disobedience that happened, but the fact that the disobedience resulted in something being eaten and assimilated needs to be accounted for too, right?
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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