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Re: What is God's Economy?
On an FTTA-promoting website a testimony said, "They never exalted one man and never said we were part of any organization. On the contrary, my father would tell me during our car rides that we follow God, His economy, and nothing else." This was written by an ex-Church Kid, FTTA graduate, current "serving one".
We follow God, His economy, and nothing else. This is how the strong concept of "God's economy" controls the LC. Yet where does the NT define it as "to eat God by pray-reading Bible verses"? Or PSRP the HWMR?
Does Jesus say, "Blessed are those who, when the Master returns, finds them pray-reading Bible verses"? No, he says, the blessed are found to be giving food to others. Helping others. Visiting the sick, the prisoners, the widows, the orphans. What did the apostles (Peter, John, James) tell Paul: "remember the poor". Paul replies, "I told them that I was eager to do this very thing" ~Gal 2:7-10 This reminds of Jesus' core teachings to "give to those who can't repay you, and your reward will be great in heaven."
Yet when James writes a similar thing in his epistle, to share with the less fortunate, the critique in the Lord's Recovery was, "That's not God's economy". I argue, to the contrary, this probably was "God's economy" that Paul told Timothy to remain in Ephesus, to remind them to teach (1:4). Paul devotes several chapters on this, the collection for the poor of Jerusalem (2 Cor 8:1- 9:5; 1 Cor 16). Rom 15:26,27 also mentions Achaia and Macedonia giving to the poor. Then, at the end of his final missionary journey, he says that he's back with alms for the poor of Jerusalem (Acts 24:17). Paul isn't just writing about it but demonstrating that this is central to his work.
What should we say - "No, Paul! That's not God's economy!!"?? Paul's teaching this to Macedonia, Galatia, Rome, Corinth, Phillipi, Cenchrea, Thessalonica... don't you think he's also asking Timothy in 1:4 to make sure it's taught in Ephesus, also? And, what were they 'dispensing' to the widows in Acts 6:1? Ministry tracts? Rainbow Booklets? Gold-bar life-studies? No, food. And, what was the 'ministry' or 'mission' that Paul and Barnabas completed in Acts 12:25? Training sessions on church affairs? Lectures, or food?
Of course the NT says to "be in spirit" but where does that mean incessant shouting, heel-rocking, fist-pumping, repetitively ''amen, amen'' -ing? Jesus went around in Spirit, doing good. Not repetitively chanting. (in fact he warned against that, as a practice of the gentiles). Maybe going around helping others in the name of Jesus Christ is being "in spirit, on the ground", not shouting slogans. It certainly seems much more in line with the NT examples and exhortations.
Acts 10:38 "how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him."
John 4:34 "My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work."
John 6:57 "Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me."
Where is pray-reading stated here, or even implied? No, it's to obey the Father (and us to obey Jesus) and do what He commands. To love those around us, to help those who can't help us, to give to those who cannot repay. "Go around and do good" as Peter testified in Acts 10. The collection for the poor of Jerusalem by the gentile churches was clearly in this vein. Paul uses considerable ink and parchment in 1 and 2 Corinthians and Romans 15 to make this plain. We don't have to guess, or surmise. It's clearly laid out, what Paul expected of the recipients of his letters.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
Last edited by aron; 02-01-2021 at 11:08 AM.