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Old 01-31-2021, 09:10 AM   #29
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: What's going on in OKC?

Originally Posted by Z9 View Post
Nell, has colley been dismissed from his position as coworker and elder yet cause from those recent messages you have linked- he still seems like the top dog at the church in OKC....
The original 1/14/21 letter states on the top of page 5: "We have, therefore, instructed him (Colley Joseph) to withdraw from his participation in both the work extra-locally and the eldership in Oklahoma City."

Is he "gone"? I don't know.

Do you think Colley will just give in like that and bow down like some sick dog about to be put to sleep? Or will he put some spunk and spice in his resistance? How is the reaction of Colley and the locality as a whole from the letter? I assume the word has gone around all over the USA of the letter of dismissal. So gossip must be consuming a multitude of localities. Well, I wonder how the dethronement of a coworker is going to pan out.
I don't know what Colley will do. He has already exhibited spunk and spice and an unwillingness to kowtow to the big dogs.

I have no contacts in OKC so I don't know anything other than the devastation described in the 1/14/21a letter (replaced by 1/14/21b, and again replaced by 1/22/21). I don't even know who the elders are there in OKCity. In fact I don't know who the elders are anywhere. They do not list themselves on any of the "Church" websites that I have found. Huh...I wonder why? It certainly makes the time honored "cover the brothers" practice easier.

I doubt it will be anything remotely close to a civil war of division like excommunication of Titus Chu but this does make an award and tense situation as he is a well known CoWorker and not some random brother being banished.
I think the tragedy lies with the family of the elder who allegedly abused them...his wife and possibly his children. The local elders (Colley included) covered it up, as did the "Co-workers". Though I don't know if you can accurately say Colley covered it up.

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