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Old 01-26-2021, 06:23 AM   #52
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Doug Krieger testimony

I recently got Doug Kreiger's email address from Henry Hon and sent Doug a message regarding my time in "Waring House" in Berkeley in 1974 (discussed earlier in this thread), which he and Doug Shearer were heading up (the "Two Dougs"). I asked him about the backstory as to why the house was abruptly disbanded and moved then to the LC in Sacramento. Here is his reply (I got his permission to post this):

good to hear from you - forgive me, but two months prior to our departure when we were "excused" from the LC I was somewhat in turmoil with Witness Lee and the leadership in Anaheim at the time. We asked the brothers in Berkeley - Dave Matteson, Jim Miller, Wiley Estabrook and Bob Huck if they had their druthers what would they prefer: For Doug Shearer and Doug Krieger to stay or leave - without hesitation they told us they wanted us to leave - thus ended my nearly 12-year stint in the LC - it truly was a God-thing and I praise the Lord I exited that ministry--and that's all it was, a ministry, but certainly was NOT an ekklesia experience as we understand that to be today because it was under the control and/or domination of one man, Witness, and now (apparently) under the so-called Blended Brothers.

The good news is that we reconciled (I did) eventually with Dave Matteson prior to his graduation to glory down in Avalon Beach--what a wonderful blessing that was - also had some terrific times with Matthew Ferrari down in SoCal prior to his passing. Seems like everyone I reconcile with passes away--be careful!

You've had quite the journey. Doug Shearer and I came back to Sacramento after we asked Witness Lee in the summer of 1974 some questions regarding Nee's text: FURTHER TALKS ON THE CHURCH LIFE. WL pointed out that when Nee wrote his text on FURTHER TALKS it was in counter distinction to the original vision found in the NORMAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH LIFE where the assemblies remained "independent in their administration--each answering to the Lord - but communion universal upheld in one accord" (as the song went). Nee reconsidered that position and determined that the MINISTRY was the center, the controlling agency of the Local Church move. Nee (with Lee highlighting on our behalf) used to Antiochian Model wherein when Paul and Barnabas went out from Antioch to Lystra, Iconium, Derby, etc. they preached the gospel, then folks got saved and began to meet in these places and then Paul/Barnabas went back and "pointed out elders" in these churches/assemblies. Then Lee/Nee asked the pregnant question: "Who was CONTROLLING these workers, churches, and elders of those churches?" "It seems that Antioch was controlling them" (said Lee to us from Nee's writing). Then Lee asked us: "What does the 'them' refer to?" Does "them" refer to the (1) Workers; (2) the Churches; or (3) the Elders of those Churches? Our answer was NONE OF THE ABOVE - the Holy Spirit, in the first place choose out Paul and Barnabas - they went out and simply established in their apostolic missionary endeavors these assemblies and they were NOT under some exterior control by the Church/Work based in Antioch. Lee vociferously replied: NO, not true, Antioch was controlling ALL THE ABOVE.

With that insight and adamant declaration on both Lee's and Nee's part I turned to Doug and said: "I think this conversation is over--the Local Church is nothing more than a form of Roman Catholicism and/or a heavy-handed denominational structure." We left and returned to Berkeley but word was sent to Berkeley that we were NOT in good favor with WL.

The brothers like Howard Higashi (who I had brought into the faith) and Mike Gordon (now living in North Bend, OR--and with whom I have, praise God, unhindered fellowship in Christ) came to me in Sacramento several years later when a Young People's Conference was going on in Berkley and said it was time for me to come back to the LC--I knew they were very sincere but I told both of them: "I will, but I need a white stallion upon which I will ride into Berkley in recognition of my Nepolonic return!" I cautioned them that what was going on in Berkeley was akin to Mao's "let a thousand flowers bloom" and then you can see who's with you and against you and then snuff them out who are against you--and that's what apparently and sadly happened - but that was the beginning of Mike Gordon's recusal from the LC.

Now, what I see is simply this: Lee simply had a ministry which controlled all of his "churches" - after I left the "ministry" became the be all and end all--if one was not ONE WITH THE MINISTRY you were "out of the flow" - suspect and, frankly, in some form of rebellion--that's where Bill Freeman found himself and, actually, many others, including DeVern Fromke, Gene Edwards, Lance Lambert, Don Morsey, Wayne Butchart, Karl Hammond, Titus Chu, and so many more--some of whom took Lee's way of a "controlling ministry" which I now call "a controlled burn" - whereas Henry and I have no intention of creating some kind of "controlled burn" - more like a wildfire would be better!

I've written a book entitled SO YOU WANT TO DO EKKLESIA? You should get it on Amazon--it's a fun read and sort of gives our experience here in Sacramento as an ekklesia-style meeting.. As you can see we do have other groups in our area--we should reach out to them and have to some extent in conferences and what not but need to circulate a whole bunch more to enjoy the greater Body of Christ. I swore in my haste that I'd never join myself to one ministry again--so, I'm involved in 4 ministries--haha! Word to Russia; Urban Hope Alliance; One Body Life; the Commonwealth of Israel Foundation and then I do my own writing (there's just not enough on my plate!) - I allot time to all of them just to stay in shape! As Nancy Pelosi says: I've learned to walk and chew gum at the same time! I know, horrible quote, but at my age--pressing 79, I can just about quote anyone and get away with it.

Here's my Amazon Book page--have at it!

Looking forward to our Zoom call!

Bro. Doug
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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