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Old 01-08-2021, 06:13 AM   #82
Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 278
Default Re: POLL: What is the Greatest Error of WL & LC?

Originally Posted by Awoken View Post
All of these things listed in the topic are problems but I think they all essentially stem from a lack of humility in front of God. The Lord instructed Moses to take off his sandals when he approached the burning bush because it was sacred ground. I kept thinking about that when things about the LCs started troubling me again. In Asian households you take your shoes off when you come in the house both for purposes of cleanliness and as a sign of respect to the host, so you're not tracking all the dirt from outside all over the place.

In the LCs there is a ton of talk about being "in spirit" but not a lot of talk about being led by the Holy Spirit. You can be "in your spirit" and still be proud as a peacock (see: John and James wanting to call fire down on the unbelievers).
Good point, Awoken!
I am full of conclusions but no time really o put all of them here.
Recently I refreshed my contact with saints from Pentacostal Church from my youth. I have sweet memories from that time. When I visited them year ago, I felt like God was there! They are so humble and respectful to Bible and glorifying Lord from heart This hard to explain! How much different it is to pride tone of all LR leaders. They do not preach so much about we are sinners. They lost balance . We have to overcome flesh and sin. But when there are no testimonys about daily life with honest sharing, then we have only theology and empty words about overcoming. I prefer to heave fear of God and not miss That Day, then follow pride current flow and hear from God: Go apart from me... Fear of God is beginning of wisdome. Humility, humility and again humility. When we lose balance then we have such a words from Ron Kangas or Minoru Chan. If You sin against one man, go and apolgize one man. But if You sin against thousands...? I am curious if they will say one day: We were wrong and we are sorry! There is no such a spirit in them!
Ready to spend milions on suing saints? To protect name of organisation? WoW!
So, I am glad You also see this lack there.
This is good lesson for us to bring revelation from God back to Him as promised Isaac. Revelation from God is not to made human movement. It is to build the Body. And even worst thing is, that all I say is written in their books! But they did not apply it!
When I hear Ron or Minoru, theirs speech is so stinking of human power!
Ok. enough. I have to control this holly anger in me.

P.S. To be clear I do not recommend Pentacostal Church the same as any other. i can only recommend saints personally. That was my testimony. You can find churches under same name but so much different. Even here in one city was division in pentacostal church because young people needed drums and loud soulish modern christian music but older silver haired people preferred hymns with words full of meaning and more respectful. Where was Love?
I need real hollines in my life. All those symbols in LC and head full of knowledge did not help me in darkest days in my life. Only verses from Bible.
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