Thread: Struggling
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Old 01-04-2021, 11:06 AM   #18
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Struggling

Originally Posted by Elle View Post
Well there were two moves with different answers.
1. We were close enough to go to blended meetings every month or so.
2. There was no LC within 5 hours on second move. We began attending a local denomination for awhile. Probably my own lc issues made this complicated. We had 5 teenagers at the time and the youth groups were basically social networks and my husband and I were very frustrated by this. Then we became Easter/Christmas attendees and felt alone.

I readily admit the alter calls each service and offering pleading became stumbling blocks to me and my own judgment about how “lacking “ the messages were compared to WL. We are currently looking now that I’ve fully accepted leaving the lc.
It's tough when you don't know that there are many good and rich sources out there. That is, authors/believers having fresh experiences of Christ who are not part of the LC. The idea that nobody else has "the goods" like the LC just isn't true!

However, to be sure, not all that many see God's eternal purpose of Him living in and through man. And it's pretty rare to hear someone talk about Christ being one with a believer's spirit as the focus of, and the ability to live, the New Covenant. Also the truth of dying to self to experience His resurrection life is something not heard a whole lot. BUT, if you look, seek and pray, my experience is He will lead you to these fresh sources and those who fellowship regarding these truths.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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