Originally Posted by SerenityLives
So the two links you provided go to pages with numerous citations. I looked at the top ones, and they don't appear to be peer reviewed studies, at least I don't see it mentioned.
And regarding black clients you've had who were taught to be careful, that doesn't prove widespread systemic racism in American police departments, does it? Look, no one is saying there's not racism out there among police, but if it was so overwhelmingly present, shouldn't it be easy to quantify and show? And I understand some of the difficulties in doing that, but to base a whole movement which seeks to turn everything upside-down based on anecdotal evidence and feelings is not prudent. And I think it's fine for police departments to closely review their practices, but things should be done based on real, solid measurements - not a bunch of emotional knee-jerk actions crying louder and louder for change for change's sake. (which is what Marxists and anarchists like to have, to then take advantage of the turmoil)
So here is a peer reviewed article that was in the National Academy of Science (NAS), so it is well pedigreed:
This paper caused a debate about the abstract article the authors wrote, and there were corrections made to that summary by the authors. Here's the NAS discussion about that correction:
Correction Discussion And even though there was a correction about the paper's summary statement, what
this correction article shows is that there hasn't been any clear, quantified, peer reviewed studies with solid empirical evidence that clearly demonstrates there is widespread, systemic racism in America's police departments.
So in fairness, there is no clear data showing there isn't this kind of racism, but there also isn't clear data showing there is! (the point being is it's not easy to demonstrate factually, otherwise it would have been done) Do we really want to get all in the tank then for "defunding the police" and completely turning everything inside-out over something that has no solid evidence?