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Old 12-18-2020, 04:04 AM   #7
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Default Re: The Church of Gideon and His 300 Men

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
So this is interesting . . . the group that came to Scottsdale (where I am) back in the late 80s, took the legal name of "The Church in Scottsdale." But they didn't do things according to LSM; weren't connected with them and didn't use much of their materials. So the group here was, I think, disavowed by the LC of being a genuine "church on the ground of oneness" and leaders & family members in the LC greatly shun the group here. (however, some do come to meetings when visiting family members, but often won't participate in the Lord's Table here)

BTW - the sign out front just says, "Scottsdale Church" and almost no mention is made of the legal name. In 22 years here I have never even heard anyone mention the so-called "ground of oneness" as pertaining to the Scottsdale group. For all these reasons, I suspect the group here is an "irritant" to LSM . . .
Irritant? More like a light shining on the foundation of their fake basis of divisiveness. LSM claims the "proper church standing" is based on the proper church name. But "the church in Scottsdale" exposes that they are frauds. Who gave them authority to choose who is a proper church? Those who buy their books? Those who attend their trainings?
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