Originally Posted by SerenityLives
So funny brother, I was so smart I had a full ride tuition scholarship.
Affirmative action?
Originally Posted by SerenityLives
Nevertheless you just proved my point that Trump is racist. He still called someone Pocahontas.
Hypocrisy defines your double standards. You reserve the right to label others, but cry foul when treated the same. Sounds like a privileged class.
Originally Posted by SerenityLives
I provided the articles. Clearly you dont read.
Correct. Never follow your rabbit holes.
Originally Posted by SerenityLives
Hey Awareness, lets give it up to Ohio, his IQ just helped him to coin a new racial word to call me. Btw Ohio, just for your information, I was born on America soil. Maybe I should call you White Peril. No White Pearl, because you are one in a million.
You and awareness, our moderator, started the name-calling, and then act all out-raged, clamoring for victimhood.