Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
So you like science, right? Here's a question no one has been able to effectively answer: Is there a peer reviewed, empirical study that clearly demonstrates widespread systemic racism in America's police departments? There is is a lot of anecdotal evidence being presented to support that claim, as the basis for the whole BLM movement. (if you looked at the thread regarding BLM awhile ago, there is a peer reviewed, empirical study that concludes there is NOT widespread systemic racism in America's police departments) The public has been told that this BLM conjecture is a solid fact over and over and over, to the point that everyone goes along with it, and now it seems most believe it.
Are you sure you want to go down this route? haha I studied Criminology in my college years and have tons of articles and books, all empirically based, that points to widespread systemic racism at every level- the courts, police, jails, mental health, physical health, SES, employment, broken window theory and neighborhoods