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Old 12-15-2020, 02:16 AM   #93
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Default Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I know I have read it here, but after a search I haven't been able to find it...
Someone or perhaps multiple people have claimed that if you leave the LRC for whatever reason there will be consequences (poor health, inability to go on with the Lord, to grow spiritually, etc). Can anyone point me to an exact quote? I am thinking specifically about the physical/health consequences, but any examples are welcome. I am still in the LRC and have never heard such things...
Common! Lord Jesus told us to learn from Him not from Moses!!! I can in tousand ways tel you "I hate You" without word "hate". Jesus shown people in tousand ways that He love man kind without telling " I love You"! Do not you catch the message behind the words? How You discern spirits? Even pharisees were correct and nice yet full of corruption and filthy heart.

Ron is preaching similiarity to Jesus yet I do not see that similarity in His speeches. I can agree with some symbols in Old Testament. But spreading fear that if You rise up against elders will be punished by God? I see only one kind of warning: living away from Living God! So instead of scaring people and frcing to bediance RK and MC should more encourage people to search God and know Him personally. The problem is that those wicked people say this and then mix all this good thing with leaven. Empty words without Holly Spirit. II Peter 2. 18-22
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