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Old 12-14-2020, 10:42 PM   #5
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Default Re: Only the Lords Recovery can cause the second coming of Christ

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
I don't have much time at the moment, and it is somewhere in "the ministry" or in LSM's justification for some of their doctrines, but yes.....they do state somewhere that the bride can only be prepared in the churches which are local (i.e. "the genuine expression of the church") and the Lord will only come back when the genuine church is built. Where is the genuine church built? Only in the local churches, of course.
Hi, Trapped! I agree with You all! I am hoping to describe my over 20 years in LC. The best bait for animals is smelling and tasting like healthy food. isn't? The problem with their propaganda is that in many cases they are right! But crucial point is if they teach and follow Christ Himself. On one hand it is alway stay a way from world and being saint. But not nesseserly strange! The bigest lack is there is no spiritual fathers knowing God and loving brothers and sisters. Everything should be applied in love and with God's wisdom. Little by little, year after year I noticed that whole direction of thismovemnt is wrong. I was so honest innocent and stupid, that I went to elders sharing my burden that saints love each other so much and miss themselv that escape from masseges during conferences to room to have simply fellowshi and pray and share burdens!!!! Brothers giving messages were boring and death in spirit. But down therein church was hunger of life! And just guess what happen? About it later in my testimony. So I can testify, there is a lot of good points and books. But... the way thet exalt so called ministry is at least cult. I can compare any ministry to knife fork and plate. When You go to famous restaurant You recommend them because dishes or because of food. Ministry from God is direkting to God and praising God. All these thing went to far. I left them ( or they left me) because of simply hunger of life! I was not disputing apologetic discussions. Simply fellowship and life hunger. UUUUf! The same as Davis I am full of thoughts and hope to share somewere soon. English is not my mother languge so I hope my gramma mistakes will not influance on thought I want to express. God bless You all!
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