Re: Only the Lords Recovery can cause the second coming of Christ
So 'meeting on the proper ground' replaces being 'a sinner saved by grace', as the golden ticket for entry. Just like 'worshipping on the sabbath' for the SDA's.
They miss the gospel as presented in the bible! It seems too unglorious to be a helpless sinner mooching around on planet earth with no ability to save oneself from our miserable selfish condition and eventual demise. Much nicer to beleive some great key can elevate us above all this wretchedness, and we can bypass the realisation of our own limitedness and ugliness, pretty much altogether. No wonder it appeals. But truth is what saves.
To be Frank, it's quite scary, trusting your eternal fate to someone (God) who is all powerful and ALL KNOWING, especially about you and me and everything we have done in our lives, every secret, every hidden thing that we may hate those around us to discover. It's not easy to trust, but we are called to trust based on what HE has done for US, not what we an do to align ourselves to Him. If only it could be so easy!
What He does require of us is, humility, transparency before Him, and our trust. More easily said than done, it turns out. Humanity constantly looks for another way, a golden ticket. Which, bypasses the cross and insults Jesus sacrifice of his LIFE for us. This gospel of our trust and Jesus' sacrifice was never presented in my time of meeting with the LC.