Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Interesting . . . and just to be fair, here's a "balancing" article from the USA Today. SEE HERE
So who knows!? Trying to figure this stuff out is difficult at best. If something like this was done, very smart people would have been covering-up their trail . . .
In the end, scripture says, "Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short . . . For false christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." (Matt 24:22 & 24) So, if we are getting close to the end of the age (and I believe we most likely are), then the deceptions will only intensify and it will be very easy to be seduced and duped. Only by clinging to Him who is Truth will we not be completely hornswoggled.
I don't see any contradiction in trusting the Lord Jesus and investigating how these folks are lying to us. The numerous warnings in the Bible are to prevent us from being deceived. Unfortunately, only you and I take these warnings seriously.
Fauci paid the Chinese $Millions to investigate these Corona Bat-viruses, and we are supposed to believe that this was done in good faith? In the cause of research? There is nothing good with Covid and the WHO. That's like them saying, "we were only studying nuclear reactions, and never intended to make a bomb."
Pay no attention to what politicians say, only what they do. Don't believe liberal "fact-checkers" either. Trump is one of the few to come along and say what he means and mean what he says. That's why they all hate him. And why do they all hate him? "
Orange Man bad. His tweets are really mean."
Seriously? What do you prefer, the leader who insults you, or the leader who sweet talks you while stabbing you in the back?