12-14-2020, 11:14 AM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
Posts: 2,618
Re: LC-Speak Update - 12/6/2020
Wowsie - that's quite the list!  It's always interesting to me that every organization I've been part of has their own language. Some went so far as to include an organizational glossary and commonly used acronyms for orientation and/or in their handbook. Maybe you'll want to send this to the Blendeds to see if they might find it useful for the same purpose!
And I like that it is numbered too - that way we can just use the number of what we're talking about when we're communicating. For instance, "If you don't think I'm a #12, then you need to #9 & 65 so you will love me more and to also #73*!" This might really streamline communication (on here and the LC)!
*I've got a really big one that was left out
Originally Posted by Nell
I've added categories to the list. Does it help? Suggestions? I'm not sure some of the categories are descriptive. Help!
- Attack: Anyone who tells the truth about Lee, LSM, is attacking.
- Attack: Anything said to critique LSM/Anaheim, or that wasn't slavishly subservient.
- Authority: Cover the brothers: WLee's sons got caught molesting the church secretaries
- Authority: Drunken Noah
- Babylon: Catholic Church
- Blend: Anonymous Blended Brothers
- Call on the Lord: Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus,
- Call on the Lord: Ooooohhhhh Looorrrrrrddddd Jeeezzzzuuuuussssssss
- Classification: Co-workers
- Classification: Good brother
- Classification: Negative "Don't say anything negative."
- Classification: Ones: Serving ones, seeking one, new ones
- Classification: Saints: Anyone on the "proper" ground.
- Classification: Seeker
- Critique: When LSM/Anaheim said something to correct others, such as their broadsides "Affirmation and Critique"
- Eat Jesus: Crazy Jesus eaters
- Eat Jesus: Let us EAT CHRIST
- False Gods: "Deputy God" - The Alpha Male in Anaheim, aka "God's oracle", "today's Moses", or "Today's Paul".
- False gods: We are baby gods.
- Family: If you take care of the Church, God will take care of your family.
- Fellowship: means "Don't do anything without permission."
- Financial schemes: Daystar
- Financial schemes: WLee's sons got caught making off with church funds.
- Lingo: Amen! (Uses as a greeting instead of saying hi or good morning.)
- Lingo: O Lord, Amen, Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, Jesus, Triune God!
- LSM Gift Shop: God-man attire (It's just a suit with a tie.)
- LSM Gift Shop: God-man socks. For real. God-man socks.
- Ministry: Life: Let us LIVE Christ
- Ministry: Divine romance
- Ministry: Kill the flesh
- Ministry: Life: We only care for life.
- Ministry: Mingling
- Ministry: MOTA - Minister of the Age
- Ministry: Oneness: means "Do what you are told."
- Ministry: Oneness: One Accord
- Ministry: Oneness: Onenessssssss
- Ministry: Overcome degraded CHRRRIIISSStianity.
- Ministry: Rich ministry of Witness Lee
- Ministry: Tripartite man
- Name calling: ‘ones’. 'serving ones', 'new ones', or 'seeking ones'.
- Name calling: Little bankers: WL term for children with money.
- Name calling: Little grinders: Witness Lee term for children.
- Name calling: Moo cows
- Name calling: Poor, degraded, Christianity
- Name calling: Poor, poor Christianity. Too poor.
- Name calling: Seeker - associating with, but not joined to the LC.
- Practice: Exercise your spirit, includes arm pump, and loud, obnoxious, mindless LC-speak chants
- Practice: Pray Read
- Practice: Pray Read: Arm pump while pray reading.
- Praise the Lord: Praaaaaaaaise the Lord
- Proper: Anything being promoted by LSM/Anaheim.
- Rebellion: 1977 "sisters rebellion"
- Rebellion: Anyone who mentions Witness Lee's sons.
- Rebellion: Disagree with Lee's ministry,
- Rebellion: Fermentation of the Present Rebellion by WLee
- Recovery: The Lord's Recovery
- Slogan: Don't say anything "negative".
- Slogan: Get out of your mind. Stop talking. Stop telling the truth.
- Slogan: Halleluuuuuuuuuuujah
- Slogan: I consecrate myself to Christ and The Church
- Slogan: I don't have the peace. Means: I don't want to.
- Slogan: I just don't have the grace for that.
- Slogan: Turn to your spirit.
- Slogan: You're in your mind. Diminish another’s own ability to think/choose
- Mind: Talk over members as if they "know" what is better.
- Slogan: You're in your soul.
- Storms: anytime the truth of Lee, LSM, Blendeds, is told
- Testimonies: I really appreciate...message/ministry/life-study/HWFMR
- Testimonies: I was really impressed...
- Turmoil:
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
Last edited by Sons to Glory!; 12-14-2020 at 05:45 PM.