Originally Posted by Ohio
Nee and Lee never believed they were useless. Not at all. They were MOTA's. All the rest of us were "useless," or so we were told, in order to bring us under their subjection.
Yes, when N & L said "we are all absolutely useless" they were using the royal "we". They were passed beyond the riven veil, living in ascension, and thus useful as Deputy God here on earth. The rest of us, well, that was clearly another story. I'll never forget how many times at trainings, and the same subject was raised yet again, and the Old Guard would stand up and testify how many years they had been faithfully following the Ministry and yet they had never understood this simple point before today.
And then they would swear to "revolutionize" or whatever their lives in accordance with this new vision from on high. (that's where the re-baptisms came in, the burnings of children's pictures etc).
And yet if you look in the Bible, the angel told Cornelius, "Your prayers and alms have ascended as a memorial before God." I guess the angel never got the memo, huh? We had this strange end-point, where a few verses from Paul, held up by the Seer of the Age, would render great swaths of Scripture of none effect. The angels, Peter, Jude, James, even Jesus, they were evidently stuck on some "low gospel" where one paid attention to one's behaviours as if they mattered before God's throne. And don't even bother with the OT! The Psalms, Proverbs etc. Just vain attempts by fallen men to please God.
And yet where does Peter give room for this in his gospel on Pentecost Day? David had pledged obedience, fealty, and God's reward, that he would not see corruption. And David's Chosen Seed had accomplished this very deed. Nothing in Peter's speech about David's "fallen concepts" etc. Yet that's where we were taken. Nee's quoted speech on being "absolutely useless" before God is right in this vein. Lee took the ball and ran with it.