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Old 12-13-2020, 06:47 PM   #140
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 186
Default Re: Local Church Speak - Merged with The Lexicon

Now I have long had this question. Why does LC-speak use the word 'triune' but not the word 'trinity' to describe God? Mostly but not exclusively, the rest of Christendom uses the word trinity to describe the 'three-in-one' nature of God.

Is it like the term 'young people' verses 'youth group', an arbitrary use of a particular word which means nothing tangeably different, yet it functions to single out those on the inside from others? (as trapped describes)

Is it the same with the employment of the
word 'saint'? To use this singularly and specifically, rather than 'christian', 'disciple' 'follower of the way', 'believer', or any other equally valid reference that would confuse with the rest of Christianity?

If so, it seems there is a layer of subtle terminology that is a little harder to convince an outsider, yet is still very defining.
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