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Old 12-12-2020, 10:18 AM   #10
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Apostacy and the Recovery of the Church and the Churches

Originally Posted by Acolyte4236 View Post
As to denominations, I suppose we need to clear the floor here. Denominations is a protestant classification system created in the 19th century to explain how different Protestant bodies could all constitute visible churches, on Protestant principles. The Orthodox are not Protestant and in fact pre-Protestant and as an ancient body simply doesn’t count as a denomination. For that matter neither do Rome or the Copts.
How would you classify the Christians Broadbent detailed in his seminal book, "The Pilgrim Church"? That is, Christian gatherings who met together for many centuries (starting as early as the 3rd or 4th centuries), but were apart from the large, organized group like the RCC or GOC?
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