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Old 12-11-2020, 09:15 PM   #172
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 186
Default Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday

Originally Posted by Nee:
"Brothers and sisters, the first thing we have to see this afternoon is that according to God's view, we are absolutely useless before Him. God sees us as being absolutely useless. We must likewise see ourselves as being absolutely useless. If we have not seen our absolute uselessness, we will never accept the appraisal of the cross, and we will never be able to say that we are crucified with Christ or that it is no longer we who live. If there is still hope in us, it means that we think we are still useful, and we will not say that it is no longer I".

To add to the commentary on this quote:

According to the bible we are fallen. No where does it say we are 'absolutely useless', or useless at all, in our unsaved state. There is no biblical passage to support the idea we are absolutely useless to God..... it's just clever sounding nonsense.

For one example (of thousands), a person with a natural musical talent may bless people with it while unsaved, or they may play dark and sinister music. They may become saved and use their talent for God, playing uplifting spiritual music. But they had the ability born in them and always possessed the talent regardless to what end they turned it. It was always useful for a purpose, whether good or bad, God focused or not. This goes for so many human talents and abilities that have helped the human race survive, manage and prosper themselves throughout history. So what does he mean with using the word 'absolutely? '

Millions of unsaved people have used their natural talents and hard work to build and create and invent, many things that have been very 'useful' to the human race, (which also happens to be God's beloved creation).

We are fallen, not useless. They are not the same thing. Lack of repentance and right relationship with God renders us useless to achieve His purposes directly in this world. Thats the way we can be useless to God. And the Bible explains that well.

WN does not explain his idea about what constitutes 'usefulness'. Its just fancy words that don't mean anything of any real depth or substance. Clever sounding nonsense! His teachings are actually confusing and distract from the truth.

I agree with Trapped, their is an air of self punishment in WN's words.
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