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Old 12-10-2020, 10:47 AM   #259
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by Boxjobox View Post
Somehow, you are missing the essence of the gospel, which is that Christ died, God raised him from the dead, God gave Jesus the position above all others, which is to be at the right hand of God. I think you may want to carefully read through Ephesians. There Paul prays that the believers would see this great revelation- as Stephen proclaimed, of the position God gave Jesus the Christ.
Growing up Catholic, I heard all this same stuff about Marble Mary, "assumed into heaven, enthroned in glory, given the highest name, yada. Never happened. Why? Not just because Mary, though chaste, was a sinner like the rest of us, but because she too was a creature. Creatures are never to be worshiped or prayed to. Only God!

Jesus, however, was on the throne "with God, and was God," as the "eternal Only Begotten God," (John 1.1,18) long before becoming a man, born of the virgin. Just because Jesus as a man, as the slain Lamb of God, was enthroned with glory and honor, given the name above every name, does not mean that was a status He never once held in eternity past.
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