Originally Posted by zeek
U.S. politics would be better off if White evangelicals consistently applied their moral tradition to public life. Not only Christians, of course, can stand for integrity. But consider what would happen if White evangelicals insisted on supporting honest, compassionate, decent, civil, self-controlled men and women for office. The alternative is our current reality, in which evangelicals have often been a malicious and malignant influence in U.S. politics.
By attacking only those on the Conservative Right, Wingfield gives the impression that the Left is composed of "
honest, compassionate, decent, civil, self-controlled men and women." Nothing could be further from the truth, but by controlling all of mainstream media, this illusion seems to be true. But how can we expect any "
honest, compassionate, decent, civil, self-controlled men and women" on the Left, when they support the indiscriminate slaughter of the unborn -- the most innocent members of society -- all justified by the carefully sanitized words "rights" and "choice?"
Compare Trump and Biden regarding race and sexism. Biden has a long history of incredibly racist statements, yet all covered up by the Press. Trump has none of that, so they twist his words about saying there are "good people" on both sides of the monuments debate. Trump may have had a couple divorces and a desire for beautiful women, but never did he molest or take advantage of any. He never destroyed another's marriage. Biden, however, is a total pervert sniffing old and young girls, destroying a marriage in order to marry some doctor, and molesting Tara Reade, a former employee.
But when the media covers for all your sins, it's like they never happened, right? And I haven't even mentioned decades of bribes and treason connected with enriching Biden's extended family.
But back to the real topic at hand -- just another misguided smear on God's people.