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Old 12-09-2020, 11:35 AM   #165
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Default Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
And here we have yet another "drive by condemning" on the part of our favorite Nee and Lee.

I don't think God created "absolutely useless" beings. We may be unable to save ourselves, sure, but this is the absolute opposite of building up on Nee's part here.
I'd like to know the context here. Perhaps that would explain why Nee suddenly felt the need to obliterate the self-worth of all his listeners. It seems to be a Recovery pattern. Like going to a AA meeting, "I am an alcoholic, I am worthless, I am a failure, I am hopeless without you guys."

I watched Lee do this at a "Culture" conference in Cleveland in 1989 during that "vast global conspiracy to overthrow the ministry." Lee basically beat us all down. He critiqued every valiant attempt to testify afterwards to support his message. Everyone walked out in silence, with their heads hanging.

It was basically a military style dress down with a Chinese accent designed to bring all the remaining faithful back into subjection, and to cut losses, since the LC's all over were hemorrhaging saints.
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