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Old 12-09-2020, 11:20 AM   #255
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
In the book of Acts Stephen says he saw a vision of the Son of man standing at the right hand of God. He was stoned for that. Why? Because it was seen as being blasphemous. Stephen was making Jesus equal with God. How can someone be equal with God without being God?
The same points trouble me zeek, which is why I am reluctant to embrace the "3 Persons" paradigm. As a corollary to your questions here, the Bible does say that God dwells in unapproachable light (I Tim 6.16) and numerous verses say that God cannot be seen, nor ever has been seen. (Exodus 33.20, John 1.18, I John 4.12)

Then how did Stephen see the Son of man standing at the right hand of God? Did Stephen then see God on the throne? Isn't that impossible? How can the Lamb then be in the midst (Rev 7.17) of the throne? And how can the throne be the throne of God and the Lamb?

This is why I embrace a God-paradigm that the Father is the "inner God," and the Son is the "outer God," which is to say, the image of the invisible God. (Col 1.15) Thus the Outer can pray to the Inner, and the Outer lives by the Inner. When you have seen the Outer, you have seen the Inner. The Outer is the Logos, the Message, of the Inner, and became flesh in the body of Jesus Christ. The Inner created all things thru the Outer. The Outer was equal to the Inner, yet the Inner was greater than the Outer, perhaps because of the flesh of Jesus, confirmed by Heb 2.7 where the Outer was also a little inferior than the angels.

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