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Old 12-09-2020, 05:24 AM   #137
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Default Re: Local Church Speak - Merged with The Lexicon

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
"Young people" was not a term invented by the LC, and is not generally recognizable as LC-speak. "Young people" is used in many contexts across the US to refer to people who are...young.
For reply, see below Curious' comments.

Originally Posted by Curious View Post
Conformity to sayings, even if they are one's shared with the wider Christian or general community, are still to be expressed 'correctly' in the LC context.
Yes, and going back to Nell's post above - so "young people", even if defensible or technically not wrong as a term, is the 'proper' or approved words in LC-land. One doesn't say, for instance, "children", even though that's also technically correct.

A less defensible term is "feeding". Jesus had said that his food was to do the will of the Father, expressed through scripture. So "Thy words were found and I did eat them" in Jesus' eyes becomes obedience. Pretty straight-forward.

Then Jesus adds, "Just as I obey my Father's commands, so you must obey mine". How then does this lead to choppy incantations becoming "feeding on the word"? And yet there we were... "Amen, amen, BLAH" and "Oh Lord Jeezuss BLAH". Erroneous and unsupported concepts, proprietary lingo, zealous application, and you get the Local Church or Lord's Recovery. I'd warn all and sundry, shake off their concepts and terms like the dust from your feet.

Another linked concept/term was the idea of "enjoyment". Others may have used the word in similar, even Christian context. Yet in this case it was the dissociation from repetition, from chanting "Oh Lord Oh Lord BLAH", the dizzy thoughtlessness of singing stilted verbiage over and over again. "This section, let's all sing Stanza 3 together again!" Over and again, the word gets mouthed, broken down into sing-song-y syllables which somehow convey magical power.

It's no different from going into a rock concert and shouting when the house lights change, or a sporting event and cheering when "your" team scores points. It's a momentary euphoria of magical transfer, with the endorphin rush taking over. That was "feeding" and "enjoyment", at its best it was just as vain as any other crowd-noise event. And at its worst it was reprogramming yourself with ministry concepts... go to LSM-approved meetings and mouth LSM verbiage and thereby become "sonized". "Ohhhhh saints!!! I enjoyed feeding on Mark 3 last night!!! And I especially appreciated the footnote in 3:12 that says 'This shows that we all must be in proper.....'"
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'

Last edited by aron; 12-09-2020 at 11:43 AM.
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