Originally Posted by zeek
Oh you can easily solve that. Cut the Gospel of John out of the Bible and start your own church. Of course you can't make the argument that it was a post New Testament dragon that was introduced by the Roman Catholics or something like that. It doesn't fit your theology, so you want to dismiss it rather than admit that maybe you're wrong. In as much as the Gospel of John is in the Christian Bible, your theology is not biblical.
It seems to me that your kind of Christianity follows the Protestant tradition of "sola scriptura" wherein the Bible is supposed to be the only authority in the matter of theology. Ironically that's a tradition too--a hermeneutical tradition. If I'm right that that's your position, what does it say about your position that it seems to push one of the canonical gospels to the margin?
And you don’t think it strange that the church started out in Acts- you know; gospel preached, people believed the gospel, Spirit witnessed to truth of the gospel, Paul writes such a letter as Ephesians, Romans, and never introduces what the beginning of John seems to allude to? But at the end of John, it doesn’t support that?
It seems Peter picked up on something different if you look at all the great public gospels he spoke. Peter, James and John seemed to be present at most of Jesus’ big moments, yet I don’t see Peter preaching that Jesus is God. A whole lot of people came to receive Jesus as the Christ and savior. “ John’s” gospel came 50 or 60 years after the foundational church was formed. So what kind of christianity do I have?