Originally Posted by aron
Right - 'serving ones', or 'new ones', or 'seeking ones'. Part of it's intellectual laziness. Just use what terms others use, irrespective of whether it makes much sense, or best fits the job at hand. But another part is in-group acculturation. If you use the same words, then the implicit assumption is that you share the same meanings, values, and understandings.
It's more than simply a short-cut. Using the shared catchphrase means, "I'm in the group". Those who use different terminology, even if it's defensible, will be looked at with suspicion... are they with "Us" or with "Them"... are they "Inside" or are they "Outside"?
Someone who goes to all the meetings, reads the books and such, but uses different terms will be seen with skepticism, and held aloof. They may even be challenged by some of the bolder group members who see themselves as gatekeepers of a sort.
But a lot of it is simply laziness. Just like hippies saying, "Man" or surfers saying, "Dude" or Valley Girls saying, "Like, totally!" - it's a way to release energy without actually thinking about what you are doing. You are on autopilot.
If you meet the middle-aged LR couple and they both nod and say, "Amen, amen" it's because that's what they've been doing for the past 25 years. It's the easiest way for them to get past a moment, it's a reflex. Same with terminology, and group leaders, or - ahem - 'responsible ones' know this, and use this to keep them within the LR fences. Control the language, control their thoughts and behaviours. Those who are "In" use language to show their status.