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Old 12-06-2020, 10:29 AM   #238
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by Boxjobox View Post
Zeek, your use of symbolism alters the narrative presented in scripture and allows you to “ interpret” passages and come up with alternate scenarios.

The scripture does not give us a “God the Son”’ it does give us the son of God. What that passage gives us is the narrative spoken throughout the NT: God raised Christ from the dead, God exalted Jesus to the highest position in creation (yet that position is not above God), an operation since that time is taking place, which includes the believers in Christ, enemies and rule subdued, the return of Christ to earth, death dealt with, the kingdom established, and then Christ returning the reigns over to the one who gave them to him, which is God.

The prophesy is “sit at my right hand until I put you enemies under your feet”. That is what is taking place today. When that is finally accomplished, then comes the “until” when God becomes all in all. As far as what that looks like, and where we are at on this timetable, I don’t know.

In the scripture, God is God and Christ is Christ. There is not a trinity God presented. The narrative of scripture is One God, the Father.
True, the trinity is not in the Bible.

And it's also true that Jesus didn't become God until the end of the first century, when the Gospel we call John was produced. So it took 60 to 70 years for Jesus to become God. I guess he was a late bloomer. But he bloomed. It's done.
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