Originally Posted by aron
Error is error. Group-speak and group-think disseminate error, without the critical examination it needs.
"Exercise yourself unto Godliness" really means what James meant - Godliness (true religion) is to visit widows and orphans and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
So we should address the errors, and this we have always done. We should also expose LC terminology with scripture. In this way we purge out the old leaven, and return to the truth in the Lord's words. The errors are not in the actual words, but in the
use of these words, redefining words contrary to the truth.
As an aside, for example, I don't think "
exercise yourself unto Godliness" is the same as "
true religion." I prefer to use the context and Paul's own words to define this phrase. And these types of discussions are far more beneficial to many ex-members that have passed thru this site, and have said as much. Without belaboring the point, my study points to "
exercising to have a conscience void of offense." But ... either way ... and this is helpful to all ... it does
not mean screaming, fist-pumping, slogan-repeating, etc. Agreed?
So, do we eliminate the vernacular of the scripture spoiled by WL? Or do we correct the semantics? There are some folks incensed by the word "
Jesus." How do we accommodate them? Do I then stop mentioning His name? What will be the outcome of that? How many more words shall we ban from the forum? There is a major difference between some poster like myself using words familiar to ex-LC members, and someone shoving these words down someone's throat. How many times do we get to shame
STG for his "mistakes?"