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Old 12-02-2020, 11:48 AM   #107
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 186
Default Re: LC-Speak

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Wow! Can we examine how "group-speak" resulting from "reflexive group-think" is now "error." (I'm not defending any LC speak here.) Perhaps a little tour of "Twitter-verse" might prove that the whole world is now in speech "error."

Have you ever had teenagers? Every new generation develops a new "group-speak" to identify who is "in" and who is "out."

And, yes, I agree that some of the WL/LC-speak is juvenile.
This is a great thread, I noticed the LC lingo too, 'mingled' is both a false doctrine and another lingo word.

However, it's also helpful to keep in mind, it's not the lingo itself that's the problem. It's the motivation behind it. In this case it's all designed to guide the person along a prescribed track. Not all lingo is towards such a goal, as Ohio has pointed out. So by the same token, not all persons using any particular lingo have the same purpose in mind.

For example, StG uses the LC lingo, yes, (has been using...) but he's not trying to control anyone, subvert anyone, bully or badger or brainwash. He has kept the habit and was not himself deeply harmed by the LC so doesn't have the same negative associations with the lingo. Then he's stayed in a breakaway group, so the lingo has remained but the toxicity that is associated with the LC itself didn't develop.

That is how it looks to me, looking on. Tolerating some lingo from those who mean no harm, could be like taking a vaccination. The virus isn't active, it's dead, but choosing to mentally seperate the residual lingo in a 'safe' setting can help it to cease its triggering effect. In brief, It's the motivation behind the words that is the potential enemy. Not all use of the lingo is necessarily evil in itself.
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