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Old 12-02-2020, 11:20 AM   #104
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: LC-Speak

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
OK ... fair enough.

STG ... listen up ... stop saying 'saints!'
This discussion does get into some interesting things, does it not!? I don't normally use the word "saints" (or at least I don't think I do), but I also don't shy aware from it's usage. The word is used over 50 times in the NT and means holy or set apart. But perhaps on here I should make some effort to avoid using it . . . ?

What about the phrase "enjoying the Lord"? Should that be on the list too? I have read other (non-LC) authors who use that phrase (or something real close), but I don't hear it used very often in general Christendom.

Regarding the #1 item, "I don't have the peace," let me ask this. How do we sense the Spirit's leading on something we are about to do? We do have peace with God through Jesus Christ our Lord. However, have you not experienced getting ready to do something and there's an uneasiness within you? And when you say, "Okay Lord, I don't think you want me doing that" and then don't do it, the uneasiness goes away? I'm not talking a condemning thing, but just a small impression. I've certainly also had the inverse (many, many times) - that is I go ahead and do the thing I felt uneasy about, and then the lack of peace/uneasiness remains and often gets stronger. When I repent and tell Him about it, and just stand on His blood and righteousness, then I sense the peace again - my conscience is at peace.

A big challenge, at least in my walk with the Lord, is determining what's just feelings and what's the Anointing. Many times I've dismissed the "still small voice" within me, as just my feeling. Life is like a big laboratory, where we learn to distinguish His voice from all the other chatter going on in our soul!

So now I need to ask, did I just spit out a whole bunch of LC-speak, or not?
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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