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Old 12-02-2020, 05:13 AM   #4
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Default Re: Origin and Evolution of Satan (hell, angels, etc) from all points of vi

Originally Posted by SerenityLives View Post
Hello all, I guess this is a spinoff from Origin of Christian God. Thanks to awareness, I have been doing some research on this topic. Feel free to start discussing regarding this topic. Some questions to start off are- were Lucifer and the Devil the same?; who was really the serpent in Genesis? Why is Satan protrayed differently in book of Job as opposed to later medieval views to his relation to Hell and Rebellion? How can these concepts be juxtaposed with other religions view of an adversary or a main bad guy? Feel free to ask and/or answer and add to the questions as needed.

P. S Quoting and introducing any non canonical bible book or other religious sources are welcome!
This a big subject. Seems God went thru changes with Jesus, in that, he wasn't as devilish as He was in the OT.

And Satan went thru changes in the opposite direction, from a high ranking son of God, and in his inner circle counsel, to the Satan that temps Jesus in the wilderness, and to entering into Judas to betray Jesus. Then in Revelation a dragon, old serpent, the Devil, and Satan.

That's quite a devolution.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.
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