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Old 12-01-2020, 08:20 PM   #88
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Texas
Posts: 2,102
Default LC-Speak

  1. I don't have the peace.
  2. I just don't have the grace for that.
  3. Turn to your spirit.
  4. You're in your soul.
  5. Get out of your mind.
  6. Halleluuuuuuuuuuujah
  7. Praaaaaaaaise the Lord
  8. We only care for life.
  9. Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, ...
  10. Oooooohhhhhhhhhh Loooooooorrrrrrrrrrrdddddddddd Jeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssss
  11. The Lord's Recovery (I personally believe that "the Recovery" is not recovering anything, and "it" is not of "the Lord." So why call "it" the Lord's Recovery?)
  12. Kill the flesh
  13. Arm pump while pray reading.
  14. Let us EAT CHRIST
  16. ( Insert Catholic church basing x100)
  17. Onenessssssss
  19. Any kind of talk that sounds like they are diminishing another’s own ability to think/choose for them self and talking over them as if they know what is better.
  20. "Drunken Noah" - Witness Lee's sons got caught molesting the church secretaries, and making off with the church funds.
  21. "Rebellion" - Anyone who mentions Witness Lee's sons. See also, "Storms" and "Turmoils"
  22. "Proper" - Anything being promoted by LSM/Anaheim.
  23. "Attack" - Anything said to critique LSM/Anaheim, or that wasn't slavishly subservient.
  24. "Critique" - When LSM/Anaheim said something to correct others, such as their broadsides "Affirmation and Critique"
  25. "Deputy God" - The Alpha Male in Anaheim, aka "God's oracle", "today's Moses", or "Today's Paul".
  26. "Saints" - Anyone on the "proper" ground. Once , in conversation, I said I was from a city with no LR church group. The listener frowned, puzzled. "Are there any saints there?" He asked me.
    "Yes, thousands of them" I replied. "You know what I mean", he said, nonplussed.

This should get us started on an updated this helping, StG?


Last edited by Nell; 12-02-2020 at 08:11 AM.
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