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Old 12-01-2020, 10:15 AM   #73
Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 118
Default Re: POLL: What is the Greatest Error of WL & LC?

Greatest flaw of the local churches is them following the doctrine/teachings of witness Lee. All the negativity of the local churches has a genealogy tree that goes back to witness Lee. Witness Lee as a man was just frankly a messed up person a person and had serious issues in terms of treatment and well-being of other people. He was so caught up in his own doctrine he forgot the most important commandments told by Jesus Christ himself. His obsession with his doctrine closed him off to the most essential commandments. In fact anything that associated with the most important commandments he dismissed and degraded. Friendship, epistle of James, family, and all these things are profusely taught in the gospels.

Paul's letters are supplemental to gospel and add to the richness of it, it does remove not parts of it. Jesus Christ is the only infallible being, even a man like Paul was humbled in his weaknesses in 2 Corinthians 12.Witness Lee is one of the many men who follow along the lines of- " the books of the Bible is the sole source of authority as long as it follows my "dOcTrIne". LC people will even straight up tell you certain books or scripture does not matter and is wrong cause it does not follow eMpErOr lEe doctrine of "God's Economy'. I'm telling you the madness is rampant in the LC and Evey negative aspect in the LC going from customs, code of conduct, lifestyle, beliefs, attitudes, relations, pride, and delusion- lead back to eMpeRor lee. Lee is the biggest cancer in the Local Church denomination, his ministry has created one of the most delusional, prideful, and lost group of Christian sects in the world.
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