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Old 11-30-2020, 05:17 PM   #70
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Default Re: Origins of Christian God- Through Cultural, Historical, Anthropology le

Originally Posted by Boxjobox View Post
I think one of the main points of the narrative of Abraham on was to show the one true God from the interactions of that one true God with the various subjects involved with that one true God. Obviously, there were other, I guess I’ll dangerously use the word, deities floating around and interacting with people. Scripture shows all kinds of supernatural occurrences of people with them. Best wishes in trying to make sense of them all.
Since you love the Bible so much, I’ll play along. Why did the Israelites keep trying to worship the other gods and goddesses? Moses came down and the commandments include “You shall have no other gods before me”. This is generally believed that there is one particular God that the Israelites should be worshipping but it also implies that at the time, I’m sure Moses and the Israelites were aware of the existence of other gods and goddesses. El (who became Yahweh) had a wife, Asherah, and she was generally portrayed as a calf. The golden calf the Israelites were worshipping. It seems some of them preferred the female deity to the male one.

Jezebel is an interesting character in the Bible. She was worshipping the other Canaanite gods and goddesses, including Baal, son of El and Asherah, or another god. In the end, she was trampled to death, and then eaten my dogs, or so the male Bible writers wrote. Clearly, they are sending the message: If you dont worship El, this is what happens to you.
When Jacob was at Bethel, God appeared to him and he named the place Bethel. It seems that certain gods appear only in certain places at a time. This hearkens back to the ancient practice from.Roman and Greek gods and goddesses being patron “saints” of particular greek or roman villages/cities. Back then, they would pay their respects to whichever (aphrodite, hermes, dionysus) god/goddess was the patron god//goddess represneted in that particular town.

See this link: https://isthatinthebible.wordpress.c...god-of-israel/

In fact, Christianity was greatly influenced by greek culture- The Roman Catholic Church used Latin . Why wasnt it Chinese or some other eastern language?

In linguistics, we call getting to the truth as finding the “signpost”. There’s no such thing as objective truth. Even the laws of physics and math collapses in a vacuum of a blackhole and once you get out of our solar system, the rules sometimes dont apply (there’s evidence of planets orbiting outside laws of gravity and scientists cant figure out inconcievably why this is so.
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