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Old 11-29-2020, 05:40 PM   #60
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Default Re: Origins of Christian God- Through Cultural, Historical, Anthropology le

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
The ascension was written back when they knew nothing about the real cosmos, back when they pictured the earth like a three-layered cake. In that conception, heaven wasn't very far up ; close enough for Jesus to levitate to heaven.

Of course reality didn't and doesn't match that conception. Where Jesus went we don't know.
That is somewhat my point- where did Jesus go? The entire narrative of scripture is written from this perspective- that heaven- the firmament, where God dwells is that God created space which came about when a separation was made between the waters below and above. In the narrative given, Adam, et al were virgin hard drives ready to be filled with understanding of all things created. It seems in the narrative God did not choose to inform man of the galactic picture, let alone the concept of the universe. Of course, Genesis was written way down the line from Adam’s sojourning. The important thing I think to consider in talking about God is that the context in which the whole “Bible” is set is not up to par with what we know from our technology today. That technology is relatively recent, during the advancement of man’s understanding, the question would be, why doesn’t the Almighty, all-knowing God give us an updated version? Why do we have to rely on clever men who try to conform this old narrative with modern science. When we speak of God wanting man to be right and close to HIM (if we follow the scriptural gender assignment), it seems like it would behoove God to present an updated, relevant account. Clever men seem to be doing such a pathetic job of it, and really have just created a business of “ speaking for God”. So where did Jesus go?
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