Originally Posted by SerenityLives
Maybe God is in everything. Maybe He/She /It is outside the universe and the earth is just a speck to Them. Or, as my father, a physicist once told me, God is outside the plane of existence and there is an alternative “universe” or “reality” where God/the gods dwell. We cant see them but they can see us.
You, of course, must realize in saying this you are creating your own myth and your own god. Scripture, in the opening chapter, gives us the location of heaven, which is between the waters below the earth and the waters above the earth. If you alter this view, then you alter a lot of the narrative of the scripture which presents this scenario.. The firmament which is between the waters below and the waters above. This was not an intangible location, or something way, way out there which no one could fathom. It doesn’t appear to be in scripture as some alt-universe.