Originally Posted by Boxjobox
This place plays a major role in the concept of God in relation to events on earth and the situation of man. Man, who knew very little about this heaven, other than what he saw with the naked eye, eventually developed aides to see far more than anyone imagined. Then came the airplane, which took man higher than the birds, then jets- even further, and rockets and technical satellites which showed us that the stars an the two big lights were light years apart.
The thought of heaven- dare I carefully say the myth that has stood through 6000 years, has changed, yet how does one adapt their thinking about God, and all things related to God in light of these relatively recent discoveries. When the crude telescope was first introduced, it created no small hubbub among the church shepherds. When the Russian first went into space, he said he did not see God. But today we talk in somewhat expectatious terms of going to Mars. The church makes no comment on where God is now dwelling. And no talk of the water above the firmament.
Maybe God is in everything. Maybe He/She /It is outside the universe and the earth is just a speck to Them. Or, as my father, a physicist once told me, God is outside the plane of existence and there is an alternative “universe” or “reality” where God/the gods dwell. We cant see them but they can see us.