Originally Posted by Nell
What about my #13?
Hypocrisy didn't make the cut? It is the fourth post.
So sorry, I missed that too! Thanks for bringing it up and I'll reorder the list to reflect that. Now we have an even twenty:
1. MOTA claim - minister of the age
2. Man becomes God teaching
3. The Ground of Locality - elitism
4. Disparaging Christianity
5. Suing other Christians
6. WL brand of Modalism
7. MorningStar RV manufacturing debacle
8. Hiding the truth - sweeping serious issues "under the rug"
9. Central control while preaching local autonomy
10. Practice of quarantining and/or shunning
11. Chanting mindlessly
12. Misogyny
13. Hypocrisy
14. Preaching a different gospel
15. Preaching a different Jesus
16. Unwillingness to listen & practice the Golden Rule
17. Funky yellow interlocking chairs
18. Teaching of God's governmental authority on the earth
19. The concept of "Recovery"
20. Killing critical thinking/self reflection*
The next step, I think, is to see if we can do an outline list of a handful of main errors that many of the others were a result of. (I'm wondering if those funky yellow interlocking chairs might actually be a main one . . .

Main errors to me might be:
> MOTA (I see many things this probably produced)
> Ground of oneness teaching - elitism (many things here too)
> Teaching of God's governmental authority on the earth (could be under MOTA)
> Preaching different gospel & different Jesus? (this also might fall under MOTA)