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Old 11-26-2020, 06:55 AM   #43
Join Date: Nov 2020
Posts: 150
Default Re: Origins of Christian God- Through Cultural, Historical, Anthropology le

Originally Posted by SerenityLives View Post
I would go to my "God-given" conscience and ask myself if it's wrong or right. Which choice has the least amount of suffering for people? Example: Christian behaviors that lead vast amounts of people to commit suicide must be wrong. Something interesting is that morality and ethics is subjective based on culture and historical context. I remember taking a philosophy class in college about the ethics of cannibalism- it grossed me out to read it but under certain cultures, it was acceptable.

Below is an article about high rates of suicide among LGBTQIA raised in Christian families, which is connected with the wrong biblical interpretation of homosexual relationships that many churches have today. These interpretations still resemble medieval perspectives about sex and do not take into account the evolution of the meaning of the word "sodomy" throughout centuries.

Hey guys,

The rest of the forum is currently more or less a disaster, but this seems like a sane thread, and actually something I'm interested in. Sorry I'm late to the party. I've often asked myself, if the Bible is supposed to be taken as the ultimate authority on God and such, how do we know the Bible is real? Like, really God-inspired. How do we know the men who wrote it down didn't mess up? Why didn't any women get to write anything? Also, what got left out? Who decided what was and wasn't in the Bible, and why do Catholics have the Apocrypha? Not to mention it's rumored that the Vatican secret library has a copy of the gospel of Thomas that no one's seen before. What's with that? Sorry if these topics have already been covered, feel free to ignore and carry on with your discussion.

Anyways, I agree that if a Christian practice causes harm to people (and having been suicidal myself, I know that driving someone to suicide is one of the worst damages that can be done), it is terrible. I don't care what the Bible or a bunch of old men say.
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