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Old 11-25-2020, 02:39 PM   #53
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 186
Default Re: POLL: What is the Greatest Error of WL & LC?

May I suggest to UntoHim that we are talking different angles of the same truth. I think aron and I are looking at motivation, and you are looking at the resulting actions of wrong motivation. As the thread is digging for the ‘root’ of the problem, my conviction is that it always starts with motivation.

God promises to give wisdom freely to us, we just need to ask. But when we are off in our heart motivation, our deep hidden real agenda, we go astray and seek wisdom ourselves to prop up our actual goal and miss the voice of wisdom, and her insight. (‘her’ according to proverbs personification of wisdom)

On post 10, Ohio stated the following: ‘At the root of it all is pride and the lust for power’. I agree that all of StG’s 18 points, (except for the yellow chairs), can be chalked up to these two agendas. Only I could vamp the pride one up to grandiosity of self, or pride in its extreme, on the MOTA claim. All control embedded in the 18 points is to facilitate the pride and lust for power, so it’s a motivation but only to serve another, deeper root motivation. Rebellion at the root of the original division, (ie WN’s desire to separate and form his own church), immaturity, (as a permanent, unchanging state, that is), unrepentance, all of these are expressions of, and/or serving the root pair. Pride and lust for power. Even lust for power could be attributed to serving the greater purpose of pride perhaps.

Fully agreed, the tangled-up rabbit-warrens of modalism and other theological errors are very important to unravel . The twisting of the gospel so as to try to support the root agenda, has created much confusion and hurdles for people and need attending to.

As to finding the base root of all this confusion, I put a lot of weight into ‘God judges the heart,’ as it is the source of our direction. When the motivation is about self, as satan’s attempt to elevate himself testify in the 5 ‘I wills’ of the book of Isaiah chapter 14, that’s where the corruption begins. I think it's clear that WN, and certainly WL, are guilty of this error. My own ancestors are guilty of this error, and with the right opportunity, I know myself well enough to see, I am/could become critically at risk of this error too. The lesson is to be wise to know and be wary of this risk.
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