Originally Posted by SerenityLives
The pride and lust can be tied back to misogyny, because sisters can be very powerful. Just considering what sister “rebellions” have done in the last decade to “undermine” the LC can make any leading brother afraid.
I need to read up on Darby..
The greatest error is to have respect of persons. We brothers liked the Witness Lee Mind Control Programme and Guanxi Network (WLMCPGN) because automatically half the members were inferior. Maybe we got shamed more in public, but that was because we were being groomed to lead, to shame others. Sisters weren't even worth shaming individually, they could be dismissed categorically.
"Sometimes I think the only thing worse than a rebellious brother is a spiritual sister". This was from a leading one, RK, in a conference. And this was a group that lauded Madame Guyon! Jessie Penn-Lewis! Elizabeth Fischbacher (WN's muse, who translated all his speeches into books). Ruth Lee, who alone sat with WL during the "restoration meeting" of WN after years out of power. Peace Wang, Margaret Barber, Dora Yu, ... where would any of these fit in the WLMCPGN today? Nowhere is where. They are just props, paper dolls, used and discarded. There's no love, just respecting of persons and jockeying for temporal power.
God's plan for humanity, supposedly 'recovered' by Mary E McDonough... but where would Mary E. McDonough be today in the WLMCPGN? She'd better keep her mouth shut. But she's conveniently dead, so she can be marketed, safely.
See, e.g.,
Jesus taught that with the gentiles the great ones lord it over the others, but in the kingdom of God, the least on earth are greatest in heaven. Jesus reversed temporal rules of power, traditional power relationships. But two decades later, James saw this distorted and abusive human-relation structure coming back into the fellowships of faith and exposed it (James 2). The Christian assembly was designed to be completely subversive of traditional power structures. But the assembly has instead gotten co-opted by those who want to dominate others. It started almost immediately.
To love is to give to someone else, even when they can't pay you back. The poor, the sick, the weak, the aged, the forgotten orphan, the imprisoned... give them attention, care, food, shelter, water, comfort. If you do this, if you "love those who can't love you back", then "your reward will be great in heaven". In the WLMCPGN you got instead the kind of attention a vampire gives to its victim. They look for "good building material" and "love" your blood and crave it, in a kind of lust for dominion over others. And the preaching of respecting of persons makes the recipient a compliant mark in their design. God's Deputy Authority and all that... Today's Noah, Today's Moses, Today's Paul, Minister of the Age, God's Humble Bondslave, the the Seer of the Vision of the Age etc etc. It's all part of a marketing ploy to pull the unsuspecting into the ministry nets, to be pierced and drained and tossed aside.