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Old 11-19-2020, 02:00 AM   #6211
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Default Re: Politics and the Church

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
But past that, it's the opposite - unrepentence carries great consequence for the unrepentant person.

This the quote of yours I had in mind, from post #161 of the LGBTQ thread, when I referenced you believing that God is all-forgiving.
Yes my friend was able to seek a trauma specialist and has cut off her relationship with her father, even older sister, who still feels my friend should forgive her dad.

Anyways, I remember my thought process behind that quote. To clarify, I agree with you that unrepentance leads to great consequences, but I believe that God is still faithful enough to provide us enough chances before we die to repent and also, his punishment will fit the crime so to speak.. a person wont burn in hell for an eternity even for lets say, his whole lifetime, he’s been serial killing/murdering. So in a way, God is “all-forgiving” in the sense that he wont make us suffer or have consequences beyond the gravity of our sins. I shouldnt have used the word “all forgiving”, more like “fair”.
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