Originally Posted by Trapped
I don't disagree, but how do we square that with 1 John 3?
In this particular instance, his actions combined with his lack of real repentance is what is leading me to conclude he's not a genuine believer.
That is difficult, I will admit. I John 3 on the surface conflicts with I John 1.
The only attempts at reconciliation I can arrive at is what many other teachers have said, that sin here is habitual, it is practiced, it is continual without repentance, and is not a one off. Verse 9 must be read in context with the modifier in verse 6 says, "everyone who abides in Him, does not sin." The translation "practice sin" in verse 8 helps with the understanding.
The alternative understanding only produces either liars or condemnation. First, those who say they do not sin, being born again, rather only make "mistakes," and thus become deceptive, hiding sins, never repenting, etc. Second, those who are honest and admit that they sin are now condemned because they believe they are not begotten of God, nor have been.
Where do we draw the line with sin? Which sins are serious enough to prove I was never born again to begin with? See the point? Can I lie and still be saved? How about stealing? How about losing my temper? What if I hit someone? What about road rage? What if someone dies?
If you read thru the NT, you will see many rotten things describing real Christians. Look at Gal 5.19-21; I Cor 6.9-11; II Tim 3.1-6 for starters.