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Old 11-18-2020, 07:19 AM   #31
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Default Re: Origins of Christian God- Through Cultural, Historical, Anthropology le

Originally Posted by SerenityLives View Post
“We can begin with the translation of the Old Testament into Greek around 200 BCE, a version now known as the Septuagint. Jewish scholars assigned to the task came across this phrase in Isaiah 14:12: Helel ben Shahar. Shahar was the Canaanite god of dawn (to this day, the word in Arabic for dawn is sahar) and Helel, the morning star, was his son. In Greek this phrase became Heosphoros ho proi anatellon. Heosphoros, or Dawn-Bringer, is a variant of Phosphorus, Light-Bringer. (If things had fallen out only slightly differently, it wouldn’t be uncommon for a contemporary preacher to exhort his congregation to “Beware the snares and wicked ways of Phosphorus!”) At the writing of the Septuagint, then, nowhere in any Bible on earth could the name Lucifer be found.”

Isaiah 14:12-14 is where the Devil shows up under the name "Lucifer" (or "Day Star") for the first time. it actually does allude to an older Canaanite myth about a god who revolted against Ba'al (the king of the gods) and was forced to retreat into the underworld.

This is an article about the Hebrew to greek translations of the hebrew word meaning “morning star”
I just could never accept it. I remember way back when I was told this was about the fall of Satan from heaven.

I read the verses and then read the chapter. It was clear to me the verses were speaking about the king of Babylon. But all my Christian friends didn't see that. They had an eye to see the devil. Seemed like they needed it that way ... for reasons beyond me.

I am, tho, a fan of Venus, the real morning star. But if it fell from heaven there'd be no earth to be a part of the new heaven and new earth. And Satan would no longer have a playground.
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