Originally Posted by UntoHim
All false teachers and heretical sects say that they base their teachings upon the Bible. The Mormons do. The Jehovah Witnesses do. Christian Scientists do. You name em.....they all say that their teachings are from "the pure Word of God". And so did Mr. Witness Lee. And one of Lee's main "teachings" was that "we don't care for traditional teachings or doctrines, we only care for the pure Word of God".
I really am surprised by your comments here. Are you sure you want to say this? The JW have their own heretical version of scripture which no Christian scholar would approve of. The Mormons have a 3rd book of the Bible based on Joseph Smith's unique "sightings." The Recovery has its "interpreted" word based on Lee's writings. None of their errors are based on scripture.
I'm all for time-tested teachings which also also pass the test of scripture. When in conflict, however, antiquity alone can not rule over the Bible.