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Old 11-16-2020, 09:51 AM   #11
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Default Re: Reflecting on John Ingalls' Actions

Originally Posted by Davis View Post
This is an important piece of STTIL that I hadn't mentioned so far. It wasn't simply Philip's misconduct that John was concerned about, he saw changes in the ministry and in the LR as a whole that didn't match his vision from the Lord. I have to commend him for holding to that, when like you said, Witness Lee did not.
Ingalls, Knoch, and Godfred put out 16 Points which delineated those deviations from the truth, and the direction which the church should take. Those Points should be in STTIL.

The saints in Anaheim responded positively to these, except for the WL adulators. These were never intended to be personal attacks, rather items of the truth, spoken in love, to reform and correct that which had deviated from the truth, the "vision." Didn't Witness Lee often tell others, "if I deviate from God's economy, do not follow me?" Immediately, however, the Blended toadies proclaimed these Points as a direct attack on WL and his ministry. "They're negative poison, don't even read them!"

I believe that these Points posted by the Anaheim elders were more dangerous to WL/LSM than the Philip Lee alleged rape allegations. John Ingalls by this time knew that these points basically were his "Recovery" suicide, yet he stood fast on his convictions. Had this been the Dark Ages, he would have been burned at the stake like William Tyndale or John Huss.
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