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Old 11-16-2020, 09:20 AM   #10
Join Date: Nov 2020
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Default Re: Reflecting on John Ingalls' Actions

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
Nell has done a wonderful job, so I only have a very small thing to add. Regarding not being explicit concerning Philip Lee's affairs, what came to my mind there also was just the church life culture of simply not being explicit when it comes to sexually related things. It's incredibly common even for elders directly handling negative sexual situations to stay in the realm of vaguery even in their fellowship with one another. It's just the local church culture, and John may not have been comfortable breaking out of that particular mold. (Not to mention all the other very good points Nell mentioned.)
Thanks Trapped! Yes, Nell brought up very crucial points that I overlooked. What I was trying to get at was something like what you've just written. In John Ingalls' case, I agree with Nell that it may have been best he didn't say anything explicit which could have harmed the sisters involved or opened himself up to litigation. However, I still agree with you that the culture of avoiding sexual things in the LC is detrimental. Not that the Shepherding Words site is great, but I have to say that in all my experience of the LCs, it is probably the least vague I've ever seen them be about history and "negative" speaking. Typically, everything regarding negative or worldly matters remains in the "realm of vaguery" (I really like that phrase haha)
Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
P.S. Sexual predators being covered up, and victims being blamed, still goes on in the local church, particularly when it occurs close to Anaheim. It takes a lot of uproar and chain-rattling for the brothers who cover the brothers to get off their rear ends and do anything. Although usually what they do is shuttle the offender off to another locality, not tell anyone, shun the victim who spoke up, and act like none of it occurred. Still. To this day.
This is really concerning. Unfortunately, sexual predation occurs in most walks of life, but being secretive and/or extremely vague about it seems to benefit no one but the predator. Of course, blaming the victim is absurd and I wish that didn't need to said anymore. I think that respect for a victim's privacy and due process for an alleged predator can coexist with transparency and honesty.

Thanks everyone for the replies.
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